Articles from this Taxonomy
Contemplating Modernity and Mortality
February 21, 2016
Staring at the dead entombed in the boathouses of Herculaneum, it would be difficult not to wonder who they were, how they lived, and what it was like to die like that. When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79AD, Herculaneum was spared the first wave of heavy falling ash and debris that fell on Pompeii, collapsing […]
Mt. Evans Ride with Fuji X-T1
January 30, 2016
I’ve ridden my bike up Mt. Evans at least once each year since I returned to road cycling in 2009. I’ve done the longer rides from Evergreen and Idaho Springs when I have had the fitness for them, but most of the time I just start at Echo Lake, as I did for this ride. […]
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